sweet glubschi av (owl)
original glubsch
first glubsch av ^.^
with sculped prims
sweeeeeet blinking eyes
sky jump if you touch the bud/ tail
sweet walk
40 prims
small and cute bird av, have a lot fun
See item in Second LifePretty nice
The blinking is a little slow. And turn off your AO if you have one!
Cute waddle, with his wings pumping and the tail swishing.
Cute Avi.
I was going to give this AV 4 stars because it is on the lower end of the scale for AVs, but it's was only $0L so I gave it 5 stars.
I think you can tell from my name (pygmyowl13) that I love owls. I was looking for an owl avatar and found this one (and the other owl avi's from this store). This owl is really really cute, and I love it. The only downside is that whenever the bird walks, my legs show so I had to make an alpha for my whole body to cover it up. Other than that, this is an amazing little owl!!!
shape doesn't work right so it ruins the whole effect. my legs remain normal size so it doesnt look good. on top of that the shape that comes with it is locked so you cant edit it. to bad though seems like it would be cool