A FREE sample of the INTENSE Lip Gloss in a Carrot tone.
Comes in a Tattoo layer.
i got this ages ago but i forgot today looks good still does cos i still use my classic avi
Great sample!
This gloss fit my lips perfectly and that doesn't happen much. Lovely color and shading, very well done overall. I am looking forward to purchasing more products from this store.
While ordinarily I would not like orange, I see why THIS color is the free demo. I did not have the giant lips issue others did, but like with all things the shape does matter. If the orange looks this good, then imagine how the rest will look! (They are fabu)
Glad it was free.
Nothing like a carrot all over your lips, oh baby! The lips are huge, though, so be weary of your shape if you buy the actual product.
ok but...
it looks nice but i would need to mod too much of my face for it to fit properly...glad it was a freebie, nothing ventured, nothing kept in inventory...hehe