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▀ Avatar Script Memory Monitor v9.0 ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
The .:BLK:. Avatar Script Memory Monitor is made to show avatar script memory and count. It has a new web interface for settings, statistics, and support. It's powerful interface allows you to monitor who is using unnecessary amounts of memory in your sim and automatically warn or teleport them.
The Script Memory Monitor Board has been re-scripted and re-designed, to allow you to manage your boards without the need to log into SL or editing those annoying notecards also the prim and mesh version.
Easy to use
Web-based configuration-
Board name
Board on/off switch
Sim-wide scan range
Scan mode
Scan rate
Cycle pages
Limit max script memory
Limit max script count
Warning message options
Customizable warning messages
Avatar teleportation options
Customizable teleport messages
Option to send personal Script Monitor HUD
Warning logs
Real time data from the board (which is listed online)
Dynamic screen
Customizable textures (PSD)
2 versions that display 5 or 10 avatars
Doesn't use "probes" and/or sensors
Internal Warning Message system
Built in plugin so the warning system can be expanded with bots
Dynamic HUD
If you have any problems with any of our products, please contact us by:
Customer Support: http://my.blkindustries.net/account.php?do=support
Group: secondlife:///app/group/e90be0da-6e32-21cd-3bfa-6774197ce6aa/about
See item in Second Life- TAH = Teleport Avatar Home System
- BLK Update system
- Warning instant message. [Optional]
- Customizable board texture (PSD)
- Customizable Warning Message
True Customer Server in Second Life
This is what You call customer service now days , I sent a message too joey and he replied in less than 24 hours, came over too her resolve the issues i was having and resolving the issues i was having and helping me at the same time as well . Even took me the time and showed me the features I didn't even know i had on this product also .. That's what you call true customer service is all about . For the price and value , I will have to say , this is well worth getting , and for the tech support your getting , your getting your moneys worth and a lot more. Best 399 L I can say I am so Happy I spent in a very long time. Thank You BLK for creating this Product and keep up the great work.. 2 thumps up !!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years
good customer service
had some issues contacted the creator and gotten the issue taken care of quick as possible.
Unfortunate Surprise
A little feature the creator forgot to include in ANY of the documentation is that if you click on the board EVERYONE in the sim gets a script monitor HUD. I rezzed this momentarily to quietly and discretely check the script usage of various neighbors and all of a sudden I am being informed that 20 people got spammed with script HUDs with my name all over them.
If you are going to include a "feature" like that then do your customers the favor of INCLUDING IT IN THE DOCUMENTATION.
No Webpage
I bought this monitor some time ago. Now that I desperately need it, I have to say with regret that there is no webpage. I wonder if I have once again set a few hundred linden dollars in the sand.
Other monitors are better than this one.... Over complicated than it has to be...
Who has time to visit a website to update information on a board? You get 7 whitelist members and it doesn't identify half of the ones I tried to add. Got no response on support. Bought one cheaper and actually works a heck of a lot better and aesthetically nicer. Keep on looking...
How to get updates?
I've got 4.3, it's been a bit since I updated, but I thought these were auto updated in general? the store no longer exists in world either, or I have bad landmark. any help?