*The ASN Network is back online, so this will serve it's purpose once again.*
This graphic is created to help people use the alteran stargate network, so feel free to share this to whoever you want, put it on billboards or in notecards.
For more information on where you can get a free Alterna Stargate, refer to this page:
1.2 - 24 May 2011
Changed the design.
Updated my blog address.
1.1 - October 2009
Now includes a dark version!
1.0.1 - July 2009
Fixed the graphic to include silent dial and also fixed a picture error on the left side.
1.0 - July 2009
Initial Release
The textures is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
The License is clear. Do not modify or sell this image but you are free to copy and share it. My name is on the picture so attribution is given.
- Full Perm Textures
- Learn how to use the Alteran Stargate Network :D
good service and good creator
this creator is so nice to help me out with the gate remember its instruction u need to contact him if you need help with the gate very nice animation like the reviewer below said good price :D