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BRR Hide Stirrups Scripts for Teeglepets

BRR Hide Stirrups Scripts for Teeglepets

Attachable stirrups are awesome, but have you ever dismounted from your horse, only to walk around with flappy stirrup strips sticking up on you shins? Yes you have, because I have seen you!

Just drop this script into each stirrup (or any wearable object that you want to only appear when you ride your horse). They will be visible at first, then they will become invisible when you dismount or lead your horse. And visible again when you ride.

NOTE: the script will turn every material face in every prim/sculpty/mesh link in the whole object to visible or invisible. If you need something to remain invisible, try using a transparent texture on it. (Alpha maps will not be affected.)


PS: Also Includes a Hide-On-Ride version, which does the opposite!

  • Automatically Show/Hide Stirrups
  • Works on Dismount & Lead
  • for Teeglepet Riders Only