BRR Tp Rider Animations: Jockey 1.30a Hanoverian

__________MAKE SURE you are getting the right one!__________
** it is for BOTH Teeglepet ridable AND Teeglepet avatar
(Note: the avatar version might not be out yet!)
** it is NOT for the original Teegle Horse Avatar.
** IF you own the Jockey Animations Set for Teeglepet Horses that contains all of them, YOU DO NOT NEED THIS!
Still sure you want to buy this one? Okay! :)
These rider animations will replace the default animations in your Teeglepet horse. The Jockey set features:
* High stirrups (actual stirrups not included, but your feet are high on the horse)
* Standing Canter
* Crouched Gallop and Jump
NOTE: this set does NOT work with passengers on your horse.
ALSO: Includes the Brass Ring Ranch Riding Crop, with animations.
* Classic tip or Soft tip
* Hold upright or inverse, automatically switches with gait
* HUD and/or keyboard controlled
NOTE: the animations are designed to work with the Jockey gallop, and may not function properly with other animations.
NOTE: you cannot activate the crop animation unless you are galloping
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