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.:BSS:. Fun Set "Point Collector" Version 1.1

.:BSS:. Fun Set "Point Collector"


Fun Set "Point Collector"

Object Types: 3 (Balloons, Coins, Star)
Objects: 12
Sample Course Layouts: 8
Course requires: Essential, Starter, Driving Starter or Builder Pack
Design: in cooperation with Luthien Yalin

✯ ATTENTION: ================================================
This fun set consists of obstacles (Module_2) and course layouts (Module_3).

You can combine these with one of our packs containing the "Essential Pack" (Module_1)
so that you have a start/finish that is tracking and scoring the horse.

!!! ==================================================== !!!
!!! ==> The packs are offered separately and are not included <== !!!
!!! ==================================================== !!!

USAGE: Please refer to the "BonaSalto Showjumping Manual" to understand the concept
of our modular showjumping/driving system. You find the manual online on our web page:

===> https://bonasalto.wordpress.com/bonasalto-showjumping-system/

✯ With this "Point Collector" Set we bring some fun to your riding challenges.
This is all about collecting points with your horse (or whatever you ride), either
against the running clock or by having additional bonus and minus points with your
traditional showjumping or driving courses.

✯ This is an add-on to the BonaSalto Essential Pack. The set supports these
three point collector challenges:

1. "Pop It" - Have fun with balloons! Try to collect as many points by hitting
the colored balloons against the running clock. Each balloon color gives
a different amount of points, but be careful: avoid the black balloons as
they give you minus points. 4 ready-to-use layouts/race setups for
different arena sizes.
✯ Effect: each balloon bursts with a pop sound.

2. "Star Hunt" - Find the stars and get points for each catch. This is a special
point collector game that you have to set up to match your region. The stars
only appear once a rider has started the race and (s)he has to find as many
stars in a given time.
✯ Effect: the stars are decorated with feathers and rotate, when hit
each star bursts with a little firework and sound.

3. "Coin Jumping" - Get a jumping bonus by collecting the right coins.
The coins are an addition to a regular jump or driving course. We provided
a simple jumping example with 3 jumps that you can use as is (this requires
the sample jumps from the Builder Pack or any other BonaSalto jumps).
There are good and bad coins. The good ones are in the center of each
jump whereas the bad ones are off-center. So if you jump clean in the middle
you get rewarded, otherwise a penalty.
With our Builder Pack (not included) you can create your own coin jumping courses
and maybe apply your own ideas on how to make use of extra bonus and minus points
✯ Effect: good and bad coins have a unique sound when hit

✯ We have included full instructions for your convenience.

Release Notes:
✯ Version 1.1:
Added a "Jump Object Rezzer" for coins that makes it easier to add the coins to a given
jumping course by reusing the layout information already available.

See item in Second Life