G General

.:BSS:. Strider Set "Eggcellent Collection" Version 1.0

.:BSS:. Strider Set "Eggcellent Collection"


Strider Obstacle Set "The Eggcellent Collection"

Strider Obstacles: 5+1
Objects: 2+1
Sample Course Layouts: 3
Course requires: Essential, Starter, Driving Starter or Builder Pack
Design: in cooperation with Luthien Yalin

✯ ATTENTION: ================================================
This set consists of obstacles (Module_2) and course layouts (Module_3).

You can combine these with one of our packs containing the "Essential Pack" (Module_1)
so that you have a start/finish that is tracking and scoring the pet.

!!! ==================================================== !!!
!!! ==> The packs are offered separately and are not included <== !!!
!!! ==================================================== !!!

USAGE: Please refer to the "BonaSalto Showjumping Manual" to understand the concept
of our modular showjumping/driving system. You find the manual online on our web page:

===> https://bonasalto.wordpress.com/bonasalto-showjumping-system/

✯ With this "Eggcellent Collection" we offer you a first of a kind Strider bird obstacle
set. The obstacles are meant to be used with our course system and thus we added
sample courses that you can directly use with one of our Packs (Essential, Starter,
Driving Starter, or Builder).

✯ In this offering we included:
- 6 course obstacles (their name all start with ".:BSS:. BSJump ") with sound and visual
* "Checkegg" - Simple checkpoint to be passed by the strider in the right
direction. Note that the white feather should be on your left
and the red on your right (you might know these colors from
horse riding).
* "Loneegg" - Checkpoint with a single egg to jump over. Be careful not to
touch, otherwise it cracks and you get some fault points.
* "Threeeggs" - Checkpoint with three eggs. Be careful again.
* "Fraidfriedegg" - Checkpoint over a lava pond. Do not get burned!
* "Fraidfriedegg Kill" - Checkpoint over a really hot lava pond. If you do not jump
properly you will be out due to heat exhaustion.
* "Notyetegg" - Checkpoint in a strider nest. You have to land on it from above
in order to not damage the nest (and get a fault). Also make
sure you jump up if you leave the nest.

All the obstacles are configurable via a menu, so that you can easily change the
difficulty level for riders. Similar to all our other obstacles, they can also be
configured and managed via a course rezzer making it easy for you to set up
and modify a course.

- 3 objects (without "BSJump" in the name) to make a strider course a bit more interesting
* "Fraidfriedegg" - Fairly dangerous lava pond giving fault points.
* "Fraidfriedegg Kill" - Dangerous lava pond that you simply should avoid or you are out.
* "Staregg" - Optional star that you can collect to get some extra points.
Note: you can easily recolor the star and give a different number of
points for each color.

- * "effect control TEMPLATE" script. Please see section V. below for more details.

- 3 course layouts (see each layout notecard for more details)
* Layout Strider C1 S - Beginner course with checkpoints and two lava ponds.
* Layout Strider C2 S - Beginner course with checkpoints, stars and a dangerous lava pond.
* Layout Strider C3 M - Advanced course with all the obstacles
(Arena sizes: S = 50x30m, M = 80x50m).

You will also find 4 images, one for each course type and a general "Strider" discipline image.
They can be used for the BonaSalto "Course Rezzer Board" that allows you, or your
friends or guests, to pick one out of many courses on demand. You can get this
board on our Marketplace or Inworld store.

✯ We have included full instructions for your convenience.

See item in Second Life