Babele Fashion :: Violetta Microdress Red

Babele's Violetta outfit simply drapes across your breasts, leaving just a little to imagination, and the top is paired with a short miniskirt, all completed by a pair of add-on shoes for Slink high feet.
* mesh outfit in five sizes
* add-on shoes for Slink high feet
Purrr fect for Teasing
Soooooooooo Sexy And Such a Tease I Love this Honestly I hate Mesh But I love this, I was able to wear the skirt with OUT the alpha and the Top work perfect as well , I did find it better to not wear physic's ,, but this is such a tease outfit and I Do Love it. Thank you Ms Janus & Babele Fashions for such awesome Tease Wear
Kisses Melly
Very sexy, as Babele reliably is
very sexy. the mesh fits well. My shape isn't totally standard, so that's a plus
L$ 300
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