This is a pair of babies with a custom shaded skin tone to replace the default pair of babies in your Beautiful Beginnings Female Conception HUD.
This is so you can pick a tone closer to your skin tone as you wish.
The shadings match the 10 default skin tones in your skin HUD which match the 10 default skin tones in many mesh body HUDS.
Shade 1 being the lightest and shade 10 being the darkest.
To replace the default pair of babies in your conception HUD:
Right click your HUD and select "Edit" in the options.
Open the "Contents" tab by clicking it.
Wait a few seconds for the contents to show.
Find the currently installed babies called "Baby_Boy" and "Baby_Girl". right clcik each one in turn and select "Delete", the contents need to refresh between each deletion.
Open your "Beautiful Beginnings Baby Pair Shade x" folder where 'x' is the shade number. Click and drag each baby from this folder across into the contents of your conception HUD.
If all is well you should see a copy of the Baby_Boy and Baby_Girl in your HUD.
You can make a test "delivery" of the "Baby_Boy" from the Setup menu of your conception HUD
As usual, any questions or problems please contact the creator, North.Glenwalker or join and visit one of the Beautiful Beginnings Help Groups:
Beautiful Beginnings Help Group
Beautiful Beginnings Conception HUD
- *Replaces you default Beautiful Beginnings HUD babies
- *Standard Color Matching