Dear Customer,
Thank you for your purchase!
We hope you enjoy our Glitter Curtain Pack
It's original mesh with materials enabled and land impact of
Glitter Curtain Rod - Short 1 Li (3 colours)
Glitter Curtain Rod - Long 1 Li (3 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 1 - 4 Li (7 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 2 - 3 Li (7 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 3 - 3 Li (7 colours)
Please visit our in-world store to see them in detail. By joining the BackBone group you will get a 25% discount on all in store purchases.
Second Life の商品を表示- 7 different colours
- 3 difference shapes
- 2 sizes of rods in 3 colours