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BackBone Honeycomb LED Panels

BackBone Honeycomb LED Panels

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your purchase!

We hope you enjoy our Glitter Curtain Pack
It's original mesh with materials enabled and land impact of

Glitter Curtain Rod - Short 1 Li (3 colours)
Glitter Curtain Rod - Long 1 Li (3 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 1 - 4 Li (7 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 2 - 3 Li (7 colours)
Glitter Curtain Style 3 - 3 Li (7 colours)

Please visit our in-world store to see them in detail. By joining the BackBone group you will get a 25% discount on all in store purchases.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • 7 different colours
  • 3 difference shapes
  • 2 sizes of rods in 3 colours