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Backgammon - Tournament Version v3

Backgammon - Tournament Version v3

New in v3:

- Board, displays and dices now meshed to enhance gaming experience whilst keeping land impact low.
- Added functionality.
- Improved speed.

Backgammon - tournament version , includes a score board

and has the following features:

- Play a Backgammon tournament against an ava mate.
- The engine determines the level of win (single, gammon or backgammon) automatically and adopts the score automatically.
- The number of points to be reached to win a match can be determined by the board owner (via notecard).
- A timeout can be set by the board owner after which the match is automatically reset (via notecard).
- A score board indicates the number of winning points, the names of the players, and the number of points reached during the match so far.
- Fully functional doubler dice. The opponent must agree to take the doubler cube via dialog box, otherwise the game ends here with a win of the offerer.
- The opponents may offer to resign single, gammon or backgammon at any time when it is their turn and the opponent must agree via dialog box.
- The game doesn't allow you to make illegal moves and announces when you have to pass (part of) your moves.
- The board indicates the Pip count of both players.
- Undo function.
- The game can be reset and will restart at any time by the owner of the black dices, i.e. the one who started the match by clicking one of the side faces or the bottom of the board.
- Indication of busy times during which the engine processes the input and makes computations.
- The score is calculated as follows:

+ normal ending of the game (one player has born off all of his pieces)
The winning stage single(1), gammon(2) or backgammon(3) is multiplied with the value of the doubler cube.

+ one player has offered to resign single(1), gammon(2) or backgammon(3)
The resign value is multiplied with the value of the doubler cube.

Example: Player offered to resign with gammon (factor 2) and the doubler cube stands at 4 regardless of who possess the cube : 2*4 = 8 winning points

You can change 2 parameters via the note card "BGConfig".

1) The number of winning points for a match (initially 11).
2) The idle timeout in seconds before the board resets (initially 600 sec = 10 mins).

There is also a version of backgammon by Kottos Games Factory that allows you to play against the computer or another ava without the tournament features (doubler cube and resign option).

Enjoy the game.

Contact Kottos Sperber in case of problems.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 11, 2012 by SouL Fierenza

nice product

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