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Bar Stools

Bar Stools

The Grimes Central Design (GCD) - Bar Stools & Table Set (Metal Version)

The GCD Bar Stools & Table Set are 100% Mesh with high detail design and texturing with materials enabled for extra realism. Both Stool & Table are 1 Prim each and have copy, modify, no transfer permissions (Not Scripts)

The set is highly customizable with many different texture options and 11 leather seat color choices. There are even 2 options to add a table a cloth.(Plain white or red checkered) These many options means they are ideal for all kinds of bars, clubs, cafes, restaurants or even domestic homes and kitchens.

The Stool features AVsitter2 scripting so you can adjust and save your avatars position and comes with 8 sit poses and animations.

To sit on the stool simply click on the leather part of the seat and you will automatically sit and a drop down menu will appear allowing you to choose from 8 sit animations & poses. You also get an option to adjust and save your avatars position

MENU OPTIONS- The OWNER only can click the base of the TABLE to get the COLOR/TEXTURE options menu.

You can change the color and texture of both stool and table independently of each other to get your perfect design set up.

Metal; color choices are; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Gun Metal & Black Metal.
Choices are; Red, Pink, Grey, Purple, Black, Blue, White, Brown, Green, Lilac & Old.

Wood; choices are; Black, Grey, Dark, Brown, Base, & Red.
Metal; color choices are; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Gun Metal & Black Metal.
Choices are; Restaurant (Plain White) or Cafe (Checkered Red).
Wood; choices are; Black, Grey, Dark, Brown, Base, & Red.
Metal; color choices are; Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Gun Metal & Black Metal.


See item in Second Life
  • Mesh Bar Stools & Table Set
  • Chrome Metal Bar Stool
  • Mesh Bar Stool
  • Bar Stool
  • Bar Stools
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Very nice but odd scripting choice...
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 11, 2021 by Shard Soyinka

Top marks for the look of the table and stools. The creator choose a good selection of sitting poses, as opposed to the sometimes absurd sitting poses other creators sometimes include. The inclusion of a table cloth option for the table is a nice touch as well.

The color choices and texture selection is good but you have to access the menu from the base of the table, which will change your color choice on ALL tables and stools within range. A menu option to delete the color change script would have been nice, but they are Mod so you can go in and remove them yourself if you want.

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