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Basic Heel Shoes

Basic Heel Shoes

These boots are Unrigged so they can be resized and moved around as you wish. Made for Mobian/Sonic Styled Characters/avatars...but I dont see why they couldnt be used on other things with a lil modding


Comes with:

- 2 sets of shoes

- UV Maps for your own textures

- Simple Cuff Texture

These boots have some Materials/faces in the Base of the shoe, and the bottom. So you can easily recolor them if you dont know how to texture c:

Just right click, go into Edit mode on the boots. Under the TEXTURE tab, Select Edit Linked
and Select, Select Face, then just Tint those parts as you wish c:

For any problems just contact me In world

~ Aoi Foxtrot ~

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TL;DR) Super good. Easy to mod. Buy them.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 19, 2021 by millyrainbow

Have you ever went to the store and just wanted some basic shoes? None of those bento shoes, none of them with velcro or laces or magic zippers that teleport into the atmosphere after taking a single step. WELL DO I HAVE A PRODUCT FOR YOU! They arent have bento! They dont have velcro or laces or zippers with lunar missions! How do they stay on? WHO CARES!

HI, im Milly Mews, and im here to sell you THESE BASIC AF HEELS!
Now i hear you, "Well Milly, why would i want these basic shoes, when ben-" And let me ask you, do bento shoes hurt as much when i throw them at your head? I DIDNT THINK SO!

These shoes are imbued with the power of magical crystals which allow you to move them! Stretch them! EVEN RECOLOR THEM to fit literally any of your needs. Paint em red to go with your dress, Make them a smidge bigger, no one needs to know you gained weight. Wear em on your thighs, BECAUSE WHY NOT? Sick of shoes? Paint em brown, shrink em down and BAM. A perfect home for a plant that will secretly judge your life decisions!
Neighbors being a pain? With our new Patented Boot Launcher, these Basic Heel Shoes are sure to make a dent in their terribly offensively painted fence! I mean who paints their fence neon pink and lime green!?

But wait theres more!! If you buy these RIGHT NOW we'll throw in not only 1 but 2 extra boots. Thats right! You get two sets of stompers to go to town with! You can wear one set during the day, and another at night. Or both at the same time! THATS RIGHT HUMANTAURS NOW YOU TOO CAN BE FASHIONABLE!

Thats right ladys and gentlemen, if you buy RIGHT NOW you get not just these amazing highly moddable shoes, but you also get another set FOR FREE And if you buy in the next 5 minutes, youll not only get these, but we'll even ship them to you IMMEDIATELY! NOW IF THAT ISNT SERVICE IDK WHAT IS

Warning: May cause egg related machines to attack you. Use responsibly
Patented Boot Launcher not included

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