Basic sailing compass showing points of sail and speed.
Extra light script (18 KB)
Super easy to use. Touch the hud, choose same wind direction as you have in your boat and that's all.
See item in Second LifeMagnifique
Thank you very much for this great compass. I need one because I always lose my direction in my canoe! And it will be very useful on my flying fizz too! Wonderful work and magnificent achievement! Thank you very much
P.S : I have used many of your Advanced drawbridge in Second Norway when I am on my canoe and it's an amazing drawbridge !! Congratulations !
Noobie to sailing found it useful
I'm a noobie to sailing, I just picked up my first actual sl sail boat (Paladin Sweetpea) over the weekend and while I knew which way I was going since I had my minimap up and was plotting my course with the map I noticed that sometimes I was going faster than other times and sometimes I was almost at a total stop. This freebie helped me out immensely to find out how fast I was going and helped me get myself back in the winds good graces (?). There might be better out there, I don't know, but as a beginner to sailing in sl I found this a great tool to have.
Nice, little, lovely, useful tool
Very useful little tool, far better than many other (even paid) wind indicators.
I'm wondering if, being free (0 L$) the script could be given moddable too: I've a couple of ideas for it. I like the HUD graphic part very much, so I would like to keep using it (so, right it's no-transfer) but the script (if modified) could even:
1. have wind set by just touching the "compass outer ring" (AKA no need of a menu)
2. if "told" about the channel(s) I'm using to set boat wind by my gestures, can auto-set wind from them
3. would like to try auto-setting it with a windsetter too (still to learn about it, but it's probably doable)
In such case, a menu could better be used to switch between the above "modes".