Action and adventure await you with this combat and survival game hud from Okama Games. Described as being a combination of popular games like Minecraft and World Of Warcraft, this hud game allows you to walk around Sl sim and preform actions like: mining stone, cutting down trees, scooping up water, encountering wildlife and monsters, enduring realistic weather, crafting shelters and fires, combat and duel other players, cook food , earn in game money to buy new weapons, and more.... All this rezzed from your hud where ever you are in SL! Wow Get it today and receive free updates for life !!!
- Collect resources from the land water and trees of sl
- Craft survival tools like fishing poles and camp fires
- Battle animals and monsters with low lag, high visual time attack combat
- Gain XP, level up, and collect in game money to buy new weapons all in the HUD
- Survive real weather, stay indoors or make a fire and stay warm
Sadly the hud dont work property. I have test this hud for 3-4 hours. Its fun because you walk and find stuff on your place, but some random mobs shows up and the combat bug a lot and you kill nothing. I had 20 mobs on my place. The attack button not working. Reseted the scrips tried something but still not working. The hud is not copy and you cant redelivery making things worse.
I had active the skills bcz the script is open and this skills dont work the same as the attack basic. :/
Don't Bother
I wouldn't waste your linden dollars on this HUD. All you end up doing is clicking an attack button over and over while your character dies until the weapon "breaks" with no instructions on how to repair or replace it. I realize 250L is not much, but certainly not worth it.
Has potential
This game looks like it could be a lot of fun. There's not much info on it, but I bit the bullet and bought it anyway.
It shows you actually chop the tree and mine. It shows a physical tree but the other stuff, im just whacking away at the air lol.
Really nice hud and pretty easy to figure out.
There's even animals for you to fight physically :).
It does not cost any extra lindens. You use ingame currency.
It has a cool weather system. (thunder storm goes over you lol)
Seriously a lot of fun :P
Information is vague.
There are no websites or video. No tutorial or pictures. (There is a free group to join but I was
not able to get any help)
There's no copy, mod, or transfer. So if you mess up the hud, you lose it.
The updater did not give me the proper update. It asked for me to update again. I tried to but the crate was empty.
When I first put the hud and pick axe on, 6 animals came out of nowhere and killed me lol. I was fighting but was not able to do damage.
The animals eventually stopped fighting me and the new spawned ones didnt attack at all and wouldn't let me attack it.
I also couldnt tell if you can use it on any sim that doesnt allow you to rez objects. I wasn't sure if
I was actually rezzing them or where they floating around me.
All in all, this system is probably very new and just needs to get out some kinks. I think the creator did a great job with coming up with a game like this. I am looking forward to making a fire and upgrading my weapons.