Entertain your guests at your beach!
This package includes tons of fun so that your beach
never gets boring!
Stand out and make your beach unforgettable!
Items included are:
⦿ Beach Ball Burst Game - so much fun to play for
⦿ Animated Shark attack - If someone attempts to
surf on the "special" surfboard, he will be attacked
by a large shark!
⦿ Public Surfboard Rezzer - everyone who likes,
can get a surfboard and show his surfing skills.
⦿ Beach Ball Rezzer - rezzes beach balls with which
people can play - some even explode :)
⦿ Crocodile that eats a monkey - unexpected fun!
⦿ Sandball throwing Sandman - he throws sandballs
at people and is actually really good at hitting them :)
⦿ Public Windsurfer Rezzer - let people windsurf at
your beach!
⦿ Love Test - people get asked questions and then
get a result about their love life! Hahaha, you ll love
this one!
⦿ Animated Sandman Gentleman - he greets people
with his hat!
⦿ Animated Windsurfer - they create atmosphere at
your beach, even if there are not so many people
there, they will cruise around on the open sea!
⦿ As an extra bonus, i added an animated parrot on
a palm tree.
This package offers tons of fun for just 897 L$! Save
over 1650 L$ (if you buy the items separately the
price would be 2550 L$. )
Make your beach stand out TODAY!
If that is not enough, i add an animated Shark Show
(usually selling for 299 L$) for a very short time to
this offer. It will be included, as long as you see this
text here.
Regarding permissions, please check the items separately on my marketplace.
- Tons of fun for your beach
- Games, Tests and skills
- Animated beach suprises
- Animated beach decorations
- High quality from TrigiGifts