When you give away your heart this Valentine's Day, try something visceral, pulsing with sound and motion. It IS a muscle , so put a little muscle into the sentiment this year. Nice treat to leave on your sweetheart's doorstep. Forget the flowers and candy, just yank this out of your chest and hand it over.
A great addition, as well, anytime, anyplace you might find random body parts littered about. Maybe just the thing for the mad scientist or a finishing touch in a laboratory.
If you would like to see and hear this as it appears in world, you will find a quick video clip here :
This is an animated texture with alpha on a single flat panel prim with sound loop added of a beating heart.
If you would like this item included with an animated gesture that offers it to a beloved check Out my related items
Mod perms on the prims so you can stretch or shrink to your needs, and trans so you can give it away.
Check out my other items for more interesting and entertaining animated things.
Thanks for looking.
- Animated Texture.
- Heartbeat Sound.