Bens Hair Style - Ressy Hair Hud Driven
Texture changer hud ( 27 different colors )
You can wear your mesh heads ( themeshproject , slink , fiore , catwa etc. )
If you have any question please contact with me !
Bens Hair Style-Ресси Волосы Hud Driven
отличная прическа .. худ поддерживает 2 цвета, как мелирование или оттеночный слой ...я очень довольна выбором. одно я бы поправила ...посадку на голове оставить подвижной .
Well done
It was difficult to see what this looked like when I tried the demo because an enormous box was attached to the hair, so it covered all but the very top of my head, but it's only L$100 so I took a chance - and love it.
Beautifully created, love the HUD options and the texture of the hair is so realistic.
So glad I went for this
I have to admit, the grey in the picture was a little odd, and it made me hesitate, but eventually I decided to go ahead and try this. I am so glad i did, I normally wear either black hair or red, and I have tryied both, the way you can mix two colors to make highlights is genius, and I adore the cute style. This I think is going to be my new go to hair, my boyfriend better get used to it. :)