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Bento Animation - Candy Cane Sucking solo animation (includes candy cane prop)

Bento Animation - Candy Cane Sucking solo animation (includes candy cane prop)

INCLUDES: Candy Cane prop

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This BENTO item requires Bento viewer and Bento head.
The pose has some free movements so you can mix match with some of your own poses to achieve different looks.
Tested on CATWA and GA.EG bento heads.

........Bento not looking like the ad
...................~ F. A. Q. ~
The pose might look different due to the difference in shape.
In order to achieve the result shown in the ad, you may need to adjust your shape
If the hand is too low or too high, adjust your arm length and / or neck length.
If the hand is too far out or too close in, adjust your shoulder width and / or hand size.

............My AO / Pose is stopping the Bento pose
...............................~ F. A. Q. ~
Please wear the Prop after setting up your modeling pose / AO.
If your AO continues to stop the animation, please turn the timer/cycle off if possible.

..............How to Get Help

Help is a touch of a button away, customers service agents can be paged in the store.
If no rep is available, please send an IM to AkaeshaCustomerSupport Resident to leave a message.

▼ ▼ ▼ TRY OUT DEMO (Link at the bottom of the page) ▼ ▼ ▼

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Suck a candy cane animation
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Very Nice
塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 塗りつぶしの星 掲載済み 2018/12/22 : ChocolateTherapy

This Is So Cute Well Worth The Linden Thank You
