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Bento Guitar RED Explorer

Bento Guitar RED Explorer


Prepare yourself to Rock your life.

Le Mont - RED EXPLORER Guitar

Unique Bento Fingering Animations, 5 styles.
Use a pick/plectrum
Beautiful Guitar Model with great materials.

5 original Bento animation styles, 9 dances
Comes with two amps you can sit on.
Sit 'n Play version Included

You can change on your guitar a lot of details to make it custom or more of your special, unique instrument.

Change Fretboard, Pickguard, metals, types of pickups, body edges, simply build what you want your instrument to look like.

The Sit ´n Play is not customizable because of technical reasons, if you need a special Sit 'n play version within the scope of the style HUD, just send me a message and I'll do it for you.

For copyright reasons it doesn't come with any sounds.

So grab your Explorer and Rock all of our lives.


Thanks to Cosmeja for her help in so many things I've tried to build and do.
Visit her store "XO- Xtra Ordinary" at: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/138389

And keep looking at what we have to offer to enhance your life at Le Mont: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Citrine/152/147/27

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