Big Halloween Pumpkin Dance Floor V4 (boxed)
0 Reviews
Here you see a beautiful Halloween Dance Floor
with pumpkin lights and garlands
With Entrance Greeter & spooky sound
"Happy Halloween" on collision,
with cute Pumpkin Pedistal Tip Jar.
and Flying Bats above (mesh / no emitter)
The sound and access is menu controlled
so you will not hear it all the time again and again.
You can also stop and start and reset the sound.
There are 2 Notecards inside please read.
A great Halloween Decoration for you party.
Small version 15x15 sqm are availbable too,
this you can see in my inworld store.
Many more halloween itmes and other seasonal
decorations you can find here in my marketplace store
or inworld at Libertys Design
or at our seasonal Spookydoo Halloween Market.
- Halloween Dancefloor with pumpkins and garlands (lampions)
- with Entrance Greeter & Spooky Happy Halloween Sound on collision
- with Pumpkin Pedistal Tip Jar & Flying Bats above
- 25x25 sqm / 81 prims
- menu cotrolled access and sound