'Glimmer' Mark - Lower Back
Hud Explanation -
There are two main sections - Glimmer & Rotation parts.
This is the part that has the 'Glimmer' Eye Effects on them.
Most of the settings should be self explanatory.
Click from 8 sizes of Glimmer effects.
Change opcaity, glow,
This part is slightly different there are 'Active Sizes'
There are 3 rotation prims.
You can click then on/ off to affect one or more at once.
Once activated you can then change opacity, glow, speed and the texture size.
Speed has a direction arrow to the left of the slider, click to turn clockwise/ anti-clockwise.
Texture size changes the size of display on each prim (different to 'Active Sizes' which
is actually different sized prims). Click the X to reset it back to default size.
Tinting hud -
Click parts to tint multiple or singular parts.
G1 - Glimmer Parts
R1, R2, R3 refers to the three differently sized rotating prims.
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See item in Second Life View Video »- 8 Gif Sizes
- Customiseable with Hud
- 3 Rotations
- Start Packs
- And More!