Dont forget to check out my other RC scripts in the related items below. There is also a really neat view lock script that works wonders for this sort of thing. Highly recommended for full enjoyment of RC scripts.
Place this script into any object to make it remote controlled. Make your own RC cars out of anything in your inventory.
Make sure to check out the camera focus script below.
Fully modifiable so you can change values in the script to your liking. Make it go faster, slower, sharper turns, whatever you want your object to do so they all are not the same.
NOT FOR RESALE: except in your own creations with no mod on the scripts
I will answer any questions and help as best as I can so feel free and drop me an IM.
Yes, it is an easy drop & go script. You put it in a root prim and go. BUT... no sounds, wheels do NOT spin or turn. No mouse look cam....NOTHING. I payed $5k for this script and it's NOT worth it. Save your money. I spent less for full vehicle scripts that do it all.... again...this script is worth $100 tops...
This script delivers what it promises
I would certainly recommend this script to anyone that wants a simple way to create a remote controlled vehicle.
RC Script
Definitely worthwhile, thanks a bunch, saved me a head-ache and a half trying to figure this all out.
Doesn't Get Any Easier
Extremely easy to use and works exactly as described. I had a remote controlled vehicle in seconds.
Good script
Very good for the price and does exactly as stated in the description