Av-Hands with Square Nails
Rigged mesh hands made for classic avatars.
Left and right hands worn with an alpha layer, that makes the systems hands invisible.
Realistic skin and fingernail textures are white, and colorable with provided HUD.
Each fingernail colors separately.
Bracelets for left and right wrists included.
Resize : These hands resize by going into “Appearance” .. “Edit Shape”..”Torso” .. “Hand Size”.
* If you change the hand size “Save” this new shape. Hand size depends on your shape.
To get these to fit best, set “Body Fat” to “0” ( appearance - edit shape - body - body fat ).
Copy & Modify. Scripts are No Mod. Set on ground to edit. * DEMO is No Mod. *
Delivered in bag with note and photo.
** Av-Hands fit also with "Gothic Gloves" & " Lace Sleeves".
** See Related Items below.
- Rigged Mesh Hands
- Color HUD for Skin & Fingernails
- Bracelets
- Copy & Modify
- Alpha Layer
Impossible to match
Can't match to my skin