Blackburns Short Knit Bento Gloves with Applier

Short Knit Bento Gloves ( demo available )
Fit Mesh short knit gloves in two styles.
Detailed knit textures with and without snowflake design.
Knit in 6 colors : Tan : Grey : Dark Grey : Pink : Red : Black :
Fit Mesh Gloves in 6 Sizes :
: 1 Maitreya : 2 Hourglass : 3 Slink : 4 Freya : 5 Isis : 6 Venus / Classic :
Included for Classic Avatars ; Short Glove : Classic Alpha Layer
( Tip : For Classic Avatars if you experience wrist show-thru,
adjust your Torso Muscles, 27 or so will cure that ).
To Change Gloves : Wear Applier : Clink on buttons. Detach when finished.
For Mesh Bodies * Please Note *
* Unlink / Make Alpha, your hands and wrist , with your avatars Alpha HUD.*
* Use with any Bento HUDs and animations.*
Copy & Modify. Scripts are No Mod.
Fit Mesh does NOT resize.
Delivered direct, with photo and note.
- Bento Short Gloves
- Knit Texture Applier
- 6 Sizes
- 6 Styles
- Alpha Layer for Classic
This is inexpensive and perfect for the job!
I can't complain really- wonderful job!
Textures and movements are good but shape is meh
Let me preface this by saying the textures are great. The bento movements are good. But, these change the shape of the hands and make them a little distorted. There is a dent where the palm meets the base of the fingers. This seems to be because the palm shape is "curved" but the bento fingers move as if the palm isn't curved. I don't think it's terribly noticeable to others but I can definitely see it. I have a Freya body, but all three of the Belleza options give the same shape distortion on the hands. Anyway, for 50L you can't really go wrong, these fit pretty well under most long-sleeve sweaters and shirts, at least on my body. I'm giving them overall 4 stars because the textures are a 5, the bento movements are a 4, and the shape is a 3.
L$ 50
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- User Licensed