The Ultimate Vampire Spell HUD, Blood-HUD will be of delight to those of you who enjoy violent red messes and gory b-rated movies. This HUD is inspired from the Blood Magic of the Tremere Vampires, and the Tzimisce Flesh Craft disciplines and goes well beyond both down the road for either. This will prove to be the most bloody minded combat and role play HUD available in second life.
The Blood HUD will be of great interest to people who play RP games in second life, specifically Vampires, bloodlines vampires, War Hammer 40k: Chaos Cultists, very evil sorcerers, necromancers, blood priests, and Demons.
OJ's Bloody Grip (OJ's Grip): Bloody hands come from all angles to bind your target in an inescapable trap.
Bloody Rear: The 4th generation of causing someone to have blood fountain out of certain bodily orifices.
Crying Red: Causes the target to weep with blood.
Paranoia: a very minor case of blood poisoning which causes the target to become paranoid. Creepy little spell.
LuvU2Death: a vampires way of showing affection to it's prey.
Bloody Feet: Causes your wounded and damaged victim to leave a trail of blood where ever they walk.
Bloody Paws: The furry version of Bloody Feet.... works great on Lycans / Were Wolves too.
Clot: Causes blood to pile and coagulate about the target.
Caesar: A particle effect which continually impales and bumps the target with many many daggers coming from all directions.
Boil Blood: Causes the target to explode in a rather messy gushy manner.
3 Stalkers: This spell will cause three bloody skull entities to orbit about your target.
Neck Cut: This spell causes an epic, Tom Woo quantity of blood to pour out of the victims neck.
Bloody Fog (B.Fog): A load of blood swirling and binding about the target in a liquid like torrent.
Bloody Cluster (B.Cluster): A rather vicious spell which sends a swarm mass of blood balls after the target.
Bio Rocket: turns a person into a living bottle rocket by firing a great deal of his/her bodily fluids out of their... (cough cough) ahem... this is an obit style attack.
Vorpal Swarm: your target is the center point for the unleashing of an arsenal of demonic chaos swords. Hazardous the target and anyone near the target.
BLOODY FORMS (Conjurations):
Rain of Blood: If you can't guess you don't deserve to know, this is a complex multi particle rain with cloud and sounds.
Vinculum: A heart of a vampire with small red spirits drawn to it like moths to a flame.
Bloody Words: Conjures a small Blood Elemental to spout forth words of warning. Some words include: Help Me, RIP, Party Time, Murder, GonnaDie, RedRum, GetOut.
Blood Pool Critter (BP Critter): This is a longer standing version of the creature used in the blood pool spell.
Pool Portal: this creates a large pool which can be used to transport yourself to any other similar pool on the sim.
Blood Summons (Summons): this spell creates allows you to draw a scarlet summoning circle from your own blood.
Chaos Lantern-Static (C.Lamp): This creates an entity which puffs blood vapor in the 8 directions characteristic of the symbol of chaos.
Chaos Lantern-Follower (C.Lamp.Follow): The same as the above, however a slightly smaller version which is capable of following you around as a pet.
Thinking Cap: a very smart skull which follows you about.
Wall of Flesh: Creates a large slab of meat any time you need it.
Blood Vessel: This spell conjures a flying vehicle in the form of a massive microbe... Can carry yourself and 6 others.
Bloody Entity (B.Entity): This is a little creature that attaches itself to your camera.
On Edge Platform: This is a building platform crafted from an arrangement of demonic blades.
A Unique Feature to the Blood-HUD is the ability to turn yourself into a puddle of blood. Click this button on the HUD and your av will explode in a torrent of blood leaving behind a large pool. This pool can be used as a tele-portal to access any other Pool Portals.
A small skull, which locks onto a target in mouse look and then hunts them down... causing your target to explode in a messy mass of gore.
Press and hold the Crouch button and you will be enveloped in a wall of blood.
An excellent quick attack in any situation.... this is an optional extra attack offered with the Blood HUD but it is really an independent system which can be used all by itself.
Sense Blood: this is an advanced radar system.
Jump like a Tick: Automatic feature that is enabled as soon as you wear the HUD. Any jump you make will be twice that of a regular avatar.
Auto Stalker: This allows you to automatically follow another avatar at your discretion.
"One Touch" Cancel All Button: anything, anywhere in the region.
Blood Voice: An NPC Narrator system.
LOW LAG Optimized scripts and particle systems.
- 43 Awesome Spells and Bloody Effects
- Spells have Custom Sound and Particle FX
- most advanced YAO Brand HUD to date!!!
- Perfect for Halloween
- 18 different Casting Sound / Animations / Particle Effects
this shit suck ass lol XD
im sorry but this just sucks
im not one to complain to much about things but did i really just pay 2499L$ for something this crappy? this has got to be one of the worst hud's i have ever seen
A big No No for this hud, wast of L$.
No. Nope. Never again.
I bought this quite a while back and forgot all about leaving a review.
The only presentable thing in this HUD is the blood cloud effects. The other particles are terrible. The skull looking things are poorly sculpted/textured, a lot of the attacks spam words and half of them aren't even spelled correctly, and the summoning spell is broken for me. I wish I could have my money back. I'd much rather spend it on something I wouldn't be ashamed of using.
wow this is a fail purchase its nothing like thos other two descriptions said its a PoS realy all it is is a spamming loud noob like realy hud, i wouldnt recomend it
Bloody >:D
Well I just read that the Blood Pools portals werent working, well everyone who has tryed mine havent had a single problem, not a single thing of this HUD has failed me, its just fantastic!! Soo bloody, its just amazing. The spam words are really useless for me, but I dont RP. As for the B.Vessel is one of my favorite parts, I was just giving my sister a ride on it, and decided to write this review, it flys soo smooth, the texture, the sounds...just love it, best flying tool I have used so far. Exploding into a blood of pool is sick...and how it gets together to form ur av once again...its shocking. Love it!!! Great JOB! 5 stars ;)
Well i really like this hud , I also got the AirBinder Hud for me and my friend we love it , "Wonderful job on these!" I may grab one more .. got my eye one one more :))