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BloodGorger & Shield +HALF PRICE+

BloodGorger & Shield  +HALF PRICE+

::Blackheart Armory
Quality built weaponry by Blackheart's, our artistic pieces come with modify and copy permissions for you to be able to add your own personal touch. With low lag simple scripting, custom stance and animations.
BloodGorger features deamonic look with hand shield accessory.

::Deamon attacks are thankfully rare on our world, but when they do come for war, they bring with them many bizzare and strange objects. BloodGorger is one such 'thing', what it actualy is or is made of is unknown, it could even be a deamon itself, taking on the form of a battle axe.
All that is known is that its weilder loses all control, spiraling into a blood frenzy, killing friend and for alike. Where blood touches the blade it cracks open with an upmost hunger to consume the fresh life force upon it, and there have even been accounts of it turning on its own wielder if depreived
of blood for to long.

See item in Second Life