➩ This is the NEW improved version of the Blow-Up - Chalkboard, now with word wrapping, text alignment and much more features!
The Chalkboard is realized totally in MESH and use also the new specular and bump materials.
The Blow-Up Chalkboard package includes:
• Blow-Up - Chalkboard 168 and Blow-Up Chalkboard 168 Basic (11 prims - 7 rows and 168 characters each one)
• Blow-Up - Chalkboard 80 and Blow-Up Chalkboard 80 Basic (6 prims - 6 rows and 80 characters each one)
The Chalkboard land impact may depend on the size, a bigger Chalkboard will increase the prim count.
Click on the Chalkboard to set up different features:
1. Write: Open a Dialog box where you can write you text, once you finish to write click the Submit button.
The Dialog box accept also the Return code, if you want to start a new line you simple hit Return (or Enter) the Chalkboard will write your text in different rows, each Return corresponds to a new row.
• The Chalkboard has a text wrapping system, which means that a word will automatically go in the next row if the phrase lenght exceeds the row lenght (16 characters in the Chalkboard 80 and 24 characters in the Chalkboard 168)
2. Font: You can choose 11 different Fonts for your Text.
3. Alignment: You can change the Chalkboard Text Alignment, you can choose to aling the horizontal and vertical Text to Left, Right and Center.
4. Color: You can change the Color of the Text - Board - Frame - Stand and Tray (in the Chalkboard Basic you will have only Text, Board and Frame)
• You have 9 different Colors plus an addictional Wood texture for the frame.
• The Text has also a Fullbright option, helpful in dark environments.
5. Setup: You can change three different Chalkboard Settings, the Setup Menu is accessible only by the Owner.
- Shadow: You can turn the Chalkboard Shadow ON and OFF, you can setup three different Shadow levels (Light, Medium and Dark) and you can also decide the Shadow direction: Back Left- Back Centered - Back Right and Front Left - Front Centered and Front Right-
- Resize: Allows you to resize the Chalkboard with the Resize buttons. There are 3 Scale widths, 1%, 5% and 10%. The Restore key in the Resize Menu restore the original starting size.
- Access: You can setup the Chalkboard Access Level: Owner - Group and Everybody.
➩ You can see how the Chalkboard works in the Blow-Up Mainstore.
★★★★★ Enjoy the Blow-Up Chalkboard! ★★★★★
See item in Second Life- 80 and 168 characters version
- 9 colors + Wood color x the frame
- 11 Fonts
- Resize Menu
- Shadow On/Off
A fun item! Works great.