In the mires of the swamp, will-o-wisps and bogfolk can be found. Perhaps, while passing through the marsh what seems a fallen tree limb was a staff. Its original owner is long gone and forgotten and the wood seeped through with algae, moss, and the bog itself. The will-o-wisps seem attracted to it, as if it might contain a hidden power beneath the murk.
The Boglach staff is perfect for the shamans, for creatures, for others who feel attuned to earth. Strung in the remnants of branches are fangs and claws, entwined in long dead vines. Will-o-wisps encircle the staff's head, drawn to or displaying signs of the inherent magics that have kept it from wasting away in the mire.
The staff itself is scripted to change textures between 4 choices, rich brown, swampland mossy, charred black and white/tintable. It comes with two HUD's, one that is itself an AO menu that will keep your staff from clipping into your body with one of 5 unique poses, some of which effect only your hand, and some, your entire body. The other HUD is a customization HUD similar to the one featured with the Lambentea staff that came before, allowing you to edit each piece of the staff. With it, you can recolor, alter glow and transparency, toggle the wisps' color and visibility, and activate the staff's heart (which is off by default).
Like all Eldritch products, it comes with never ending unlimited updates when they become available.
- Two HUDS, Animation Overrider and customization HUD.
- Touch scripted for changing textures between four options.
- Circling wisps and wisp heart, also customizable and toggleable.
- Automatic updates.
Had it in my hand for less than 5 minutes and got a compliment..immediately referred the person to your store. Was able to turn it into a black blood drenched fire staff with a few easy clicks of the hud and the AO alone makes any of your staffs worth purchasing.Keep up the good work This creator has an eye for art and remains true to lore.
love it!
this is a beautiful staff, love the rich detail in it and the customization for it. a steal for the price and adds the perfect touch to a magic user avatar =)
Nod nods
I bought the previous staff not too long ago, and was most pleased with it.
Now I buy this one, and am blown away, the realism of it.
You really ARE holding a branch staff, feels so real, the necklace cord entwined,
the claws hanging from it, the flexi prims as ends of the cords,
if you ever wanted a raw staff, for a druid, a shaman, a wicked witch, dweller, orc, what not,
this is it. No doubt about it. with the hud and menu's very easy to mod and personalize,
no need mod skills to make this your unique own staff. so, five stars all the way.
ohh, this one even comes with 5 stances. mind boggling.