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Book Builder Publishing System

Book Builder Publishing System
Book Builder Publishing System
1 Review

The best, most flexible book publishing system since 2015
Book builder is a user-friendly book publishing system for Second Life. Writers and authors can use Book Builder to distribute and sell their published works within Second Life.
Book Builder’s low impact mesh books may be rezzed in world, or worn as a HUD for easy reading anywhere you go in the world of Second Life.
Package includes customizable mesh books, Book reader scripts, detailed instructional guide, and additional textures to help you customize your books.
Book Builder also includes automated updates for book builder customers.

How it works:
You can export PDF layers/pages as JPG or PNG files and upload the image files to SL. Book builder includes tools to help you format your page/image files into chapters. The chapter maker tool will give you the formatted UUID's of the pages. You can copy/paste the list of UUID’s into the setup note card. The script will read the completed note card and load your book into the book builder device. You can set permissions on note card so it can't be read or copied, or just delete the note if you want to keep anyone from copying your book. Alternatively, you can leave the note card in the book in case owners accidentally reset the scripts it can reload the card and continue working as normal.

The two different book models are both mesh with land impact of 2 prims each. One model looks like a digital tablet similar to an I-pad or kindle, the other looks like a traditional hard cover book.
Readers navigate the book similar to a real life tablet. They can swipe the screen to turn pages, or use the arrow, menu, and zoom buttons at the bottom. Zoom helps increase the page size for books with smaller print. It is best to upload high rez files; usually 1024x1024. Smaller files may look blurry. It’s a good idea to upload a single page first to see if it’s readable before spending money to upload a few hundred pages.
Features on Book builder pre-load the page textures so readers aren't waiting for pages to load. You'll only wait for a page to load when you first rez the book, or if you use the menu to jump ahead in the book. The book menu also has options to have marketplace listing or web site link in your book. This lets you show readers your real life book listing from sites like, Google Play Books, Smashwords, or Amazon. If SL readers enjoy your books, they can share links with RL friends.
There is also a link to a Book Builder blog listing books created using the BookBuilder System. To have your book listed in the BookBuilder blog send Book Title, Web Links, MP links to, Grimly Darkfold, using a note card. Remember to include any images that you want in the blog entry.
Blog URL:

BookBuilder is a complete system. The book models are full perm except for the scripts inside which are no mod. You can set permissions to copy only, or trans only, Or Copy, mod, or mod, trans. You just don't want to leave the book copy trans or your readers can give out unlimited copies of your book anyone.

  • Auto Updates
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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easier to set up than I thought
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 19, 2022 by Ethereal Enchantment

it is a very good app has tablet and book readers love this

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L$ 1,000

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Grimly Darkfold
Grimly Darkfold

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 2