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Book reads on touch: A little snow (E.Dickinson) Old Man Cover

Book reads on touch: A little snow (E.Dickinson) Old Man Cover

Sit down with your friends or your children, wear this book and read out a nice, little poem. The poem is only short, not to make your guests impatient. It is from Charles Dickens.

You make the poem load by touching the book. Give it a moment, when you load it for the first time. The preloader function will prepare the sound files and fit them together for the next time you want to read your nice celebration poem.

The bookis copy and modify. The sound files have permission copy.

So have a great winter season!
Rita Munro

Troubleshooting of Music:
So, you have bought one of the greatest songs and they do not play... what to do?
I spent hours to find out, what can go wrong, that songs may not play. I found 2 main reasons:
1) The easy one: Your sound must be ruled a little bit louder
2) The loading one: The sound plays at once and it plays fine. Generally. But BEFORE they must load into your cache. This may be quickly, but it may take some time as well. If you do not hear anything, wait for some minutes. If this does not help, re-rezz up to 6 prims of your sound. This will kick the cache-preload. Once the music plays, you can delete all of them but one. And once it plays it is saved and will play on touch at sudden.
All this great music plays. I tested it carefully and under many circumstances.

  • Touch the Book to Make it Read/Speak the Poem
  • Preloader Script of Rita Munro
  • Book Wear & Touch
  • 3 Prim Book Ready for Wear
  • Does not play? Check the bottom of the description