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Box **Witch's Throne** by Lucylla Seerose

Box **Witch's Throne** by Lucylla Seerose

Bellissimo e particolarissimo Trono con seduta animata, posa inginocchiata per il secondo avatar.
Cliccando si attivano effetti particolari, suoni e in local chat frasi diverse per la predizione del futuro.
Un oggetto molto particolare per arredare castelli,land a tema, GDR,antri per Streghe,Vampiri o qualsiasi locations desideriate!
Trasferibile, per un regalo insolito e magico.
Include il tappeto Modify.

Sorry for my english, i use a tranlsator.

Beautiful and unique animated seat Throne, knelt to pose the second avatar.
By clicking activate special effects, sounds and phrases in local chat for the prediction of the future.
A very special object to decorate castles, themed land, GDR, caverns for witches, vampires or any locations you desire!
Transferable, for an unusual and magical gift.
Included carpet Modify

See item in Second Life