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Bulldog Attachment Version v1.0

Bulldog Attachment
Bulldog Attachment
1 Review

Animesh Bulldog (Attachment)


Attaches to your avatar. *
Built in AO so it Walks, Runs, Sits & goes into AWAY mode when you do. **
When you are standing, it will carry out random animations. **
You can make it chat/repeat anything you tell it to, back into local chat.
It has a Pandorabot Chatbot system. (ask him anything you wish).
Use your own pandorabot adding your very own questions/replies.
Turn On/Off chatbot.
Give your pet a new name.
Hide/Show the name & change name colour.
Five different Fur textures to choose from
Includes 13 custom created animations
Fully menu driven, no config files to edit.

*This is an attachment and cannot be rezzed.
** This product requires an Animesh capable viewer


(Always make a copy of your pet in your inventory)

Simply Right click the pet in your Inventory and select ADD

When attached, touch it for a menu.

Make any changes you wish.
Such as changing its name and fur texture.

When you Walk, Run, Type or go into Away Mode, your pet will carry out his own animations

When you are standing, your pet will carry out either an animation you chose from the menu, or a random one instead :)

A full detailed description if all options and features are below.

Please take the time to read through once. Yes I know people hate reading instructions, but trust me.
It will take you less time to read through them than it did for me to type them :P

A demo version is available in store.

The Owners Menu has all the options you need to Rename and Turn On/Off various options etc.

Full instructions supplied :)

Please note the FREE chatbot service can and does go down from time to time. You are paying for my time on time to create the product and not for the free chatbot service. I offer no support for this feature.

Thank you.


See item in Second Life
  • Animesh
  • 13 custome made animations
  • 5 Skin Textures
  • Built in chatbot
  • Change its name
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 17, 2020 by Amnesia Babii

This newest addition to my SL chat bot family is brilliant, the animations are really good, textures wow he just looks so cute !!, and all I have to do is click and I get a no fuss menu up, I can make him speak, change his name with ease, set his animations to what I prefer also has a random option too. I can even set his chatter, good boy to very naughty and cheeky or to my own. I love him he is still as cheeky as my pet spider (Fred) lol
SL meet Fredo !
Top Notch Creator :)

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L$ 450

Adding to cart as gift


Sold by: geemix Newall

Use It Now

This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 37