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Bullet Theory Dragunov SVD

Bullet Theory Dragunov SVD
Bullet Theory Dragunov SVD
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Bullet Theory M98B

If you are reading this then you have either purchased or are looking to possibly purchase the Bullet Theory Dragunov SVD. Well, this is the sniper rifle you want if you want to defend Mother Russia from afar. This thing really hurts, and most of the time you wont be seen coming.

-GENERAL FACTS! (These are actually important)
First, this weapon is made of delicious MESH. This means you need a MESH viewer to see it, but also remember that MESH is generally not capitalized. I just wanted to do that to make a point. Next thing is that this weapon uses either RayCast or Physical Bullets. You need to choose your mode, if the target is IN the sim, use raycast, if its outside hte sim, use physical.

Unpack it, wear it, shoot it. No, I'm not kidding. It's that easy.

-DAMAGE! (I know this is the part you're interested in!)
7.62x54mm Rounds

Shot Damage (First shot, and shots where you wait for breath -- You must wait for the end of the inhale!)

Ball Point: 4% Melee, 20 Mele + Base
Steel Core (AP): 3.5% Life, 15 Life + Base
Rubber Point: 3.5% Stamina, 25 Stamina, + Base

Ball Point: 4% Melee, 30 Mele
Steel Core (AP): 3.5% Life, 25 Life
Rubber Point: 3.5% Stamina, 25 Stamina, 10 Melee.

HeadShot Damage: (If you hit your target in the head) [Headshot Damage is in Raycast Only]
Ball Point: 5.5% Melee, 40 Melee
Steel Core (AP): 4.5% Life, 35 Life
Rubber Point: 4.5% Stamina, 35 Stamina, 10 Melee.

In RAYCAST mode only, this gun has the capability of discerning a headshot and a body shot. If you hit someone in the head, it will do extra damage.

1 Magazine = 10 rounds of ammo (11 if you reload with a round of the same type of ammo still in the chamber)

-ACCURACY! (Also important!)
The accuracy of the weapon is dependent on several factors, the majority of which you control in some way or another. The first is your stance. When standing you're cone of accuracy is larger than it is when you're crouched, meaning you're at your most accurate when crouched. With this the weapon ALSO suffers accuracy degradation as you fire more and more rapidly. This gun can fire one shot every second. However, if you fire at this rate, your damage goes down and your shots do less damage. To get full accuracy, wait a full 0.8 seconds between shots. (You will know when you're ready to take an accurate shot because you will hear yourself take a breath). At close ranges you won't notice this but at far ranges you'll notice that unloading at a target as quickly as you can may only result in a small number of lead-on-target. This isn't enough, generally, to cause proper lead poisoning, which we in the gun business call "Shooting the damned enemy to death". To do this at a range you need to take timed shots, meaning wait a bit per shot to let your accuracy build back up. This is very important, but in case this was too much I'll break it down for you:

STANDING (Distance to Target x 0.030 radius) < CROUCH for tighter cone (Distance to Target x 0.015 radius)
SHOOT LOTS < PATIENCE for better hit ratio. If you take your time, your accuracy cone will tighten up.

It fires out to 400M in raycast, and unlimited distance in physical. It switches automatically if you need a physical bullet to cross a sim.

Can fire once every 0.33 Seconds, but if you do not wait for the breath (0.8 seconds between shots), your shots will be much less accurate. Breathing is important for sniping.

-COMMANDS! (Click on the weapon or use the supplied gestures for easier time! These commands can be used on either channel 0, 5 or 69.)
stand = STANDING
crouch = CROUCHING (Causes you to be unable to move)
draw = DRAW
sling = SLING
reload = RELOAD
ray = Switch to Raycast Ammo
phys = Switch to Physical Ammo
speed # = Set Speed of Physical Ammo between 70 and 180.
help = NOTHING! (Just kidding, it brings up the HELP MENU)

-ROLL CREDITS! (To simulate the roll, please scroll down this section slowly)
Build - Full Perm Prefab from MeshDevelopment
Scripts - Hathor Sands aka Andromeda Recreant

v1.0 - First Version

L$ 1,100

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Hathor Sands

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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