✪Cuddle Bunnies Builders Kit✪
✪All Sculpty Maps [Fullperm]
✪All Baked Textures Grey and Beige [Fullperm]
✪New easy Face Animation Scripts & Textures
✪Several Face, Feet and Ears Maps
✪5x Examples [no transfer]
✪Easy to build and change
✪Infinite Updates <------------
✪Sculpty Rezzer
✪+Hanging Ears inclusive
------------> Enjoy Building <------------
- Face Animation Script
- All Ambient Oclussion Maps
- All Baked Textures
- All Sculpty Maps
This makes me smile love the blinking eyes and the texture alphas in there was a bonus for me love all of this kit worth every penny please make more toys just enjoy them turning into charitors and the things you can do and make with them while back I got the dwaf kit made a play ground with them for my zooby s just perfect great fun nice toys good value
Mr bunny wonderful work
Great kits very happy with it my smile is very big cos they awsome
Just as cute as can BE
THis is one of the most awesome little guy I have saw on Slx ...just got to love them big sad eyes... Easy to work with and so many different way you can use him .. may want to stop by this seller shop too .. I found other cute things that i just couldn't live with out ... a BIG 5 stars for all the work that when in to making him
Too Much Fun
I have had so much fun playin with these guys and love the way they look