Bunty is our cutest, most adorable Rabbit. Just rez him and type any of the commands below in chat, or wear him on 12 attach points with a total of 65 animated poses. No messy HUD to use up space on your screen or figure out how to attach. Also look out for Miss Bunty, his cute girlfriend. :)
All our commands work from chat. You can also change the channel. We keep it simple. Just like a real pet, just say what you want it to do. Check the commands below for all the things you can do with this pet.
Stay - Your most important command, resets pet, always use before taking into inventory!
Stand or Standup- Stand up straight on two legs
Sit - Sits down on ground
Lay or LayDown - Lays on side with head propped up with arm
Lay2 - Lays on back
PlayDead - Pet will lay on his back
Cry - Randomly sits or stands and holds face in hands (but peeks)
Zombie - Drops head in shoulders with hands out and can walk around this way
Zombie2 - Holds head in hands and will walk around this way
Crawl - Crawls on the ground like a baby
Headstand (HandStand)- Stands on head/hands and tries to balance and looks around
HappyDance - Does the happy dance
Jig - Does the Jig Dance
Jig2 - Does Jig Dance 2
WaveLeft - Waves with left hand
WaveRight - Waves with right hand
ShakeHeadYes - Shakes head up and down
ShakeHeadNo - Shakes head left to right
JumpingJacksor StarJumps - Does jumping jacks
Balance - Balances on the left or right foot, he decides
BackFlip - Does a back flip
FrontFlip - Does a front flip
Situps - Does Situps (good to do with the army outfit on)
PeekABoo - Sits and plays peek-a-boo
SnowAngel or Snow Stars - Lays on back and does the snow angel animation
- Roams, patrols and follows
- Growable & resizeable with TWELVE different looks
- Wearable on 12 attach points with 65 different poses
- Obeys your friends too!
- Does tricks and has lots of personality!