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Bunty 2.64c (release) Copy version バージョン 2.64c

Bunty 2.64c (release) Copy version

Bunty is our cutest, most adorable Rabbit. Just rez him and type any of the commands below in chat, or wear him on 12 attach points with a total of 65 animated poses. No messy HUD to use up space on your screen or figure out how to attach. Also look out for Miss Bunty, his cute girlfriend. :)

All our commands work from chat. You can also change the channel. We keep it simple. Just like a real pet, just say what you want it to do. Check the commands below for all the things you can do with this pet.

Stay - Your most important command, resets pet, always use before taking into inventory!

Stand or Standup- Stand up straight on two legs
Sit - Sits down on ground
Lay or LayDown - Lays on side with head propped up with arm
Lay2 - Lays on back
PlayDead - Pet will lay on his back
Cry - Randomly sits or stands and holds face in hands (but peeks)
Zombie - Drops head in shoulders with hands out and can walk around this way
Zombie2 - Holds head in hands and will walk around this way
Crawl - Crawls on the ground like a baby
Headstand (HandStand)- Stands on head/hands and tries to balance and looks around

HappyDance - Does the happy dance
Jig - Does the Jig Dance
Jig2 - Does Jig Dance 2
WaveLeft - Waves with left hand
WaveRight - Waves with right hand
ShakeHeadYes - Shakes head up and down
ShakeHeadNo - Shakes head left to right
JumpingJacksor StarJumps - Does jumping jacks
Balance - Balances on the left or right foot, he decides
BackFlip - Does a back flip
FrontFlip - Does a front flip
Situps - Does Situps (good to do with the army outfit on)
PeekABoo - Sits and plays peek-a-boo
SnowAngel or Snow Stars - Lays on back and does the snow angel animation

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Roams, patrols and follows
  • Growable & resizeable with TWELVE different looks
  • Wearable on 12 attach points with 65 different poses
  • Obeys your friends too!
  • Does tricks and has lots of personality!