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Bureau Consul Set

Bureau Consul Set

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Le Bureau Consul Set, in French Empire style, includes:

- Bureau Consul (Desk) (LI 3) with scripted side tablets and resizer
- Encrier (Inkwell) (LI 1)
- Sous-main (desk-blotter) (LI 1)
- Papiers bureau (papers) (LI 1)
- Porte-lettres (letter holder) (LI 2)
- Tampon-buvard (blotter) (LI 1)
- Livres bureau (books) (LI 1)
- Chaise Consul (Chair) (LI 1) with 9 desk animations and 2 standard sit animations, 5 silk colors
- Lampe Bouillotte (LI 2) with menu for 3 candle light intensity
- Ecran Consul (Fireplace screen) (LI 1), 5 silk colors
- Paravent Consul (Screen) (LI2), 5 silk colors
- Tapis Savonnerie (Carpet) (LI 1)
- Chair cover AO texture
- 5 silk textures that can be used to coordinate wall tapestries and curtains

See item in Second Life