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Buster - Rhoda Menu Pup (Boxed),1.00

Buster - Rhoda Menu Pup (Boxed),1.00
Buster - Rhoda Menu Pup (Boxed),1.00
3 Reviews

Rhoda Menu Pups Buster
Our most popular line of Virtual K9 Companion is the Rhoda Menu Pup.
Left click dog for choices.
*The dog is L$600 - accessible for any budget.
*The dog is simple to operate.
*The prices are the same for all breeds
*The menu give options for sound, wander, random, lay down, sit, follow, attack, stay, set home, go home, name, range, access, and a unique button to stop all activity and reset the dog.
*There is a control choice. Touch "control" , and you can steer the dog using keyboard arrows for precision movement.
*The dog can be worn (attached) without having to edit.
This will allows flyng with dog, as well as walking in no build areas.
When you walk, their legs will move, and when you stop, they will stop.
*You can pet your dog.
*UPDATES- The box your dog comes in is copiable, and is an automatic updater.
Keep your box, and when an update is announced, just rez, and touch your box for an update. If you do not belong to the groups, then just rez the box when you wish to receive the most recent version of your dog!
Support service of course is at your fingertips 24/7, in the fashion that Dogland has become known for. I invite IM at any hour. Your IM goes to my email, and an alert buzzer tells me I am needed. You can also email me direct with any questions.
Vitolo Rossini
"Get the demo version"

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waste of money.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 27, 2015 by kittycat Broadfoot

wtf I bought this dog as a companion to go with me , it doesn't walk with you it just hangs looks bloody stupid, u say linden labs and about physics I think u need to take this off selling it until its sorted out I already had a dog on my land I didn't need another , I'd like my money back its no used to me at all .

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L$ 600

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Sold by: Vitolo Rossini

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