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Butterflies (sculpted prim, not particle)

Butterflies (sculpted prim, not particle)

Butterflies in a sculpted prim and texture animation for a nice flapping wings effect.
5 buterflies flying in both directions, so you have 10 butterflies that can be copy and mod, so you can resize and rotate each buterfly to create a more real environment.
Forget about particle systems with static look and try this.

See item in Second Life
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Exactly what i was looking for!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 16, 2013 by Wren Coba

these are marketed for your land and sim, but I found them perfect for my dryad avvie! Attach them at different points on my body and I now have a swarm of butterflies circling me where ever I go. Just wonderful!

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