Butterfly {Papillon} Papillon} Ma/Sma/Nor/Qor/Soldier Cocoon
Each butterfly begins with a dozen (12) mating cycles. Longevity Pools (accessories) occasionally grant a butterfly an additional mating cycle. This is a very rare case, and will not occur unless the butterfly is already below 5 mating cycles.
Baby Butterfly! (Female)
Small Qin, Vibrant Soldier (<0.218000,0.498000,0.416000>)
Mother ID: 2676274 'Butterfly-b9dd5'
Father ID: 2190751 'Butterfly-2fc6b'
[OrnamentC Effect Mutation!]
More info: http://papillon.wikidot.com/basic-care
➊ Instead of wings, wisps have field types
➋ (common) (uncommon) (rare) (very rare)
➌ Sizes vary from Dwarf to Colossal
➍ Radiance's vary and will dazzle you
➎ 3 types of Mutations available to them. Body, Field, and Particle Effect
Lostboyz Levee
* * * * * * * * * * *
See item in Second Life- Inbreeding plays a significant part in the mating cycle
- Mating a child with a parent has a higher chance of mutation
- They will brighten up your life, roaming around the virtual world.
- User-friendly Menu
L$ 147
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