--== STARBASE C3: The Starship Construction SIte ==--
-- C3 PULSAR TT --
Thank you for purchasing the C3 PULSAR TT from a Starbase C3, the Second
Life Outposts.
About your C3 ship:
The C3 PULSAR TT was designed as the first HUD Guided Missile Attack Cruiser for Starbase C3 in Second Life. It has been armed with a special TyroTech Guided Missile System that can be fired by the pilot or a designated gunner in the second seat. The Missiles can be set to Stun (no push) or Kill (push) and will lock onto avatars within the sim you are in. Since these missiles can disrupt an avatars position on the grid, we ask that you do not use this system for any activities that are outside the LL TOS. Starbase C3 waives any responsabilities for your usage of this craft. This craft while well armed for most Sci Fi RPG sims may not be "totally kick as-" in a weapons specific sim group. Enjoy the ship and let us know if youd like more "heavier armed" Starbase C3 Designs.
The C3 PULSAR TT includes:
- Owner flying capability
- Holds 2 Avatars - Second can be made a gunner and should be given a " C3 Pulsar Targeting HUD" to do so..
- Camera View Steering System.
- Mouselook Viewability
- Opening/Closing Entry hatch
- Pilot or Gunner HUD based Guided Missile System with KILL or STUN settings.
- Permissions: Copyable / no transfer / no modify
The C3 PULSAR TT is a NON physics Vehicle that sits 2. Control is easy and designed for touring and light battle. A benefit of non physical is that it can "phase cloak" through all objects. It wont take damage and can go anywhere- through walls and ground.
1. Approach Ship and RT CLICK "SIT" - owner only recognized as pilot.
2. Type "Start" to turn on engine and camera view.
3. Arrows Keys for forward, backword, turn left, turn right.
4. Page UP/Down Keys for Go Up, Go Down.
5. "Stand up" or "release keys" to exit craft.
6. Mouse Look is for view only- not Steering. Passengers can Mouseview as well
7. Type "Exit" near the bottom tube door to open/close the hatch. Not Lockable-all can open. If you wan to change the key "word" you can do so in the sliding door script.
Note- Use the Camera Tool palette to position camera views away from craft to your liking. Play with this feature for touring Views.
Ground EFX dust kick up near ground. Max alt. is 792m.
A guest does have the ability to pilot your craft.
Up arrow / w: Forward
Down arrow / s: Reverse
Left arrow / a: Turn left
Right arrow / d: Turn right
Page Up / e: Vertical thruster up
Page Down / c: Vertical thruster down
While in Mouselook: You can move your avatars POV.
Weapons Control for Pilot or Gunner
To operate the missiles, wear the 'C3 Pulsar Targeting HUD'. Say 'Kill' or 'Stun', followed by the number next to the avatar. eg: Kill 1
KILL -number- : Pushes Avatar
STUN -number-: Attacks Avatar with no push
GUNNER -partial name- : Allows -partial name- to use the gunner systems. eg GUNNER jim for jiminy roo
GUNNER CLEAR : Clears all gunner positions
Every gunner will need a "C3 Pulsar targeting HUD"
Credits, License and Copyright Notice:
Visit www.starbasec3.com for more information about the Starbase C3 Universe and to join the full community website. Purchase other StarbaseC3 DatakitsTM for other 3d programs and technologies and play other online 3d games. For additional help and information email webmaster@starbasec3.com.
Starbase C3, the Second Life Invasion Fleet, and other related properties
are the registered trademarks and/or copyrights of Cube Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2006.
License Information: The Starbase C3 DatakitsTM are sold "as is" and consist of parts and images that become yours for personal usage only. No commercial resale can be made using any 3d or 2d element of the DatakitTM. They, along with their names, likeness, and titles remain the commercial property of Cube Productions Inc. You may mix and match parts and textures, alter parts and textures, render ,animate, and play with DatakitsTM and their derivative designs (That's what it's all about;) for personal usage only. (ex. Personal web sites, online sim game play, personal art creation etc.) Cube provides commercial usage agreements for its properties. Please contact us at webmaster@cube3.com for further information.
Visit www.starbasec3.com for more information about the Starbase C3 Universe and to join the full community website. Purchase other StarbaseC3 DatakitsTM for other 3d programs and technologies. For additional help and information email webmaster@starbasec3.com.
Ship shape design, sounds, textures created by Starbase C3 and Cube Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved 2006.
Some scripts include some elements from existing vehicle / gun
freeware starter scripts.
NO refunds on Non Transfer Items. Sorry