CAP - Avatar Lag Performance Monitor Version 2.0

This device will show you in a glance who is the cause of poor performance at your place or venue, so you can inform them to take measures.
Since in most cases, avatars are the cause of "lag", or in a better term: poor region performance.
Perfect for clubs, venues and other busy places where avatars are the cause of "lag".
Online Manual:
* Features
- shows top 3 avatars, the total scripts they wear, memory used and scripttime usage
- Can give a listing to you and group members of all avatar statistics
- Board shows the sum of avatars, region dilation and more information
* Statistics
- Land Impact: 1 or 13
- Permissions: MODIFY / COPY / NO-TRANSFER
© S.H.X.
See item in Second Life- shows top 3 avatars, the total scripts they wear, memory used and scripttime usa
- Can give a listing to you and group members of all avatar statistics
- Board shows the sum of avatar stats, region dilation and more information
- Group operated
Nice to have one of it
Now i got you - oh its me on the first place - hihi
0 Stars - Poor Customer Service
A friend gifted me 4100L in equipment from this store on Market Place and it went un-delivered. When I went in store, two people were "working" with there unavailable messaged up. A customer that happened to walk by was able to find me a card for service from the creator, I filled it out anyway and still have had no response. I returned 12 hours later to see if I could get help, but the employees were still unavailble. The Lab meter that I purchased separately was delivered, and works fine. But all gifted items didn't come and no help was offered in store.