reduced price for black friday!! only till 30 nov 2024 , normal price is 2500 LS
Blondie Garage is proud to present this thoroughbred... a true electric beast... ready to break all timing records on all circuits.
with an engine script designed from scratch to deliver the maximum torque of this 1088hp missile.
Automatic and with 2 speeds, pitlane and race mode, it is all you need to get the most out of your performance.
Unlike combustion engines, the electric motor of this Alligator delivers its maximum torque immediately, scratching tenth by tenth of a second at each turn.
Afraid of this demon??, no fear!!, the script has been developed and trimmed in many Second Life circuits, achieving a fantastic behavior, a brutal power delivery is useless if the car doesn't drive where you want.. For all these reasons, at Blondie Garage we have paid special attention to everything related to the steering and retention of the vehicle's engine.
You will only need a few laps on a circuit to tame this wild animal.
The 718 Alligator GT4-E comes with full perms textures, hoping that with a bit of photoshop it will have a racing skin.
If you are looking for a car to walk around and show off your body, this is definitely not your car, forget about lights, texture changers, and other extras, the 718 Alligator GT4-E will only provide you with an overdose of adrenaline, it was born for that purpose only ......
We recommend watching the attached video and trying the demo at the inworld store, which has a permanent urban circuit.
COMMADS, check local chat when you board the car
page up/page down for gears 1 & 2
cursor arrows
down=Brake /reverse
*How to paint my 718 Alligator GT4-E
see here copy paste in internet:
Blondie Garage se enorgullece de presentar este pura sangre...una autentica bestia electica... lista para batir todos los records de timmings en todos los circuitos .
con un script de motor diseñado desde scratch para entregar el maximo torque de este misil de 1088hp.
Automatico y con 2 velocidades, modo pitlane y carrera , es todo lo que ud necesita para exprimir al maximo sus prestaciones.
A diferencia de los motores de combustion , el motor electrico de este Alligator, entrega su maximo torque de inmediato arañando decima a decima segundos en cada vuelta
Miedo de este demonio??, no fear!!, el script ha sido desarrollado y trimado en muchos circuitos de Second life consiguiendo un fantastico comportamiento, de nada sirve un a entrega brutal de potencia si el coche no conduce por donde UD quiere..por todo ello en Blondie garage hemos prestado especial atencion a todo lo referente a la steering and retencion del motor del vehiculo.
Ud solo necesitara unas pocas vueltas en algun circuito para domesticar a este animal salvaje.
The 718 Alligator GT4-E comes with full perms textures , a la espera de que con un poco de photoshop tenga una piel de carreras.
Si ud esta buscando un coche para pasearse y lucir cuerpo, definitivamente este no es su coche, olvidese de luces cambiadores de texturas, y demas extras, el 718 Alligator GT4-E tan solo le proporcionara una sobredosis de adrenalina, nacio para ese proposito solamente......
recomendamos ver el video adjunto y probar la demo en la tienda inworld la cual cuenta con un circuito urbano permanente
Blondie Garage.
See item in Second Life View Video »- CUSTOM SCRIPTS
I have LOTS of motorcycles, boats and cars
AND after I test Lap I was sold
it is BEAST
Sasha.. you rock even more so
Awesome !!
To feel the vertigo of incomparable sports driving... and without breaking your bones.
Another magnificent work from the creators of these models
Congratulations !!
L$ 1,250
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
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