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(¨*•.¸´•. :: FEMALE HDPRO BENTO HEAD :: ¸.•´¸.•*¨)


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FULL VERSION comes like the demo! Of course with full pixels.

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I think this is an overpriced product.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 31, 2020 by shyxxoo

Overpriced and simply not as perfect as one would think. It's in my mind, too pricey for an already overpriced product. You think catwa being one of the largest sellers of heads that the price would be lower, since, reasons. But no.
Nothing but the same old features being revamped, and a few are well, new. But those have been in other bodies or heads, such as bom or easy access to fixing things.
You can't buy a new set of ears and easily add them since the gap is too large when removing the existing ones, on the specific one I used. And then there's a few weird things, which. I don't have enough words too explain.
It is a quality product above their own line, the one that went for 5010.
But it isn't worth it. A complicated head, when it doesn't have to be.
Adding the same old animations that are on more or less every catwa head, bringing the prices up for a few other "reasons", and now even going above the 5010L, big yikes.
You're gonna be well and truly happy by buying something else, say a head costing 2K lindens less. But, what do I know. Nonetheless, if you want an overpriced head for no other good reason than you have the money. Go for it- not worth, here's hoping comments don't get deleted.

Changed my previous review since I did it when I was quite dissapointed in the product. Now tho that I have a decent head and am able to test this one again, I felt it really wasn't anything special. But it isn't a 1 star, but certainly not a 5.

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Love it !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 01, 2020 by Inner

Made me go back to Catwa after many years. Good Job.

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I love it but
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 30, 2020 by NCJ Alpha

And hope they work for a hdpro head for male avi like this

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Came back to Catwa for this head.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 27, 2020 by Frecklesx3

Hands down best head on SL right now.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 12, 2020 by JeremyJustin Morningstar

It is NOT possible to move the HUD.
For me an absolute NO GO. That the head may look good too,
But that you can't position a HUD where I would like it to be NO.

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Awesome - but with obstacles
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted October 11, 2020 by Gipsii

First impression? WOW!!!

* Animations, features and setting options are impressive
* The additions included in the package are wonderful

* The HUD cannot be moved
* Very difficult to adapt for German speaking users

Conclusion: For me as a layman it was a horror and took countless hours to adjust the head with my Maitreya body. And still the two do not fit together (see screenshot in the link)


I will contact both manufacturers to (hopefully) solve the problem.

Nevertheless I have to say that I am really impressed by this head and you can see that you really thought about it

Erster Eindruck? WOW!!!

* Animationen, Features und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten sind beeindruckend
* Die Zusätze, die im Paket enthalten sind, sind wundervoll

* Die HUD lässt sich nicht verschieben
* Für deutschsprachige User sehr schwer anzupassen

Fazit: Für mich als Laie war es ein Horror und hat es unzählige Stunden benötigt um den Kopf mit meinem Maitreya Body anzupassen. Und dennoch passen die beiden nicht zusammen (siehe Screenshot im Link)


Ich werde mich noch mit beiden Herstellern in Verbindung setzen um (hoffentlich) das Problem zu lösen.

Dennoch muss ich sagen dass ich von diesem Kopf wirklich schwer beeindruckt bin und man sieht, dass man sich wirklich Gedanken gemacht hat

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