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~CD~ Animated Walking Cane *Promo*

~CD~ Animated Walking Cane *Promo*

This is great for steampunk, or anyone who loves to look devanier.

  • Walk with the cane or not
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Waste of money
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 17, 2020 by IrisSweet

A cane and it's not modify. I suppose this seller expects me to make myself longer or shorter. Bah!

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Nicely created, but ...
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 01, 2017 by Elijah Paule

Nicely created but with the animated one when I walk I hold it straight out from my side, the un animated one I hold over my shoulder when I walk. Neither version ever did touch the ground when standing or walking

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