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CFF - Tesla Music Box

CFF - Tesla Music Box

Some time back, I started noticing that a lot of the landmarks of the steamland I lived in were missing.. and I mourned the fact that these stunning representations of a time that doesn't exist well.. no longer existed. Then I began to think of a way to keep them living on. Based on the tune created specifically for me by a resplendent musician (not myself) which was a steam punk anthem built on music box music, I decided to craft a music box that reminded me of what it was about steam punk I truly loved. The creativity and ingenuity it inspires.
This music box was crafted with love.. Touch it, and the key winds before it crackles to life with a tesla spark. A moment later, a holographic photo album of some of the most memorable builds in the New Babbage Steamlands which may or may not still be around; Playing "Steampunk Anthem Music Box Music"..
Definately something to hold dear as a keepsake, and a wonderful memento for anyone who yearns for something a .. little different.

Please visit Capalini Fine Furnishings inworld to see this item (The picture does not do it justice).

See item in Second Life
  • Wind up key "winds"
  • Centerpiece "rezzes"
  • Custom Sculpts
  • Custom Textures
  • Custom Music