The Victorian Cane AO includes 25 copy/mod animated poses, sorted as follows:
- 8 stands
- 5 walks (1 one of them Female Exclusive)
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 pre-jumping
- 1 land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 1 Ground Sit
- 1 Crouch
- 1 scripted Cane (in 4 sizes; the cane will change position depending on the anim played, so it only will work when the Victorian Cane AO hud is attached and turned on).
- 2 HUDS (1 male and 1 female; the only difference regarding animations between both huds is that the female version has the Female Walk as default walk).
All animations and props are copy / mod.
You can try each animation (& purchase them) separately in our store at the following location:
Creative Insanity
Also, dont forget to check for compatible canes at *Mire*
See item in Second Lifeimpressive
very good animations with a scripted modifiable cane the only thing in kinda sad about is the cane position for 2 of the animations one makes the cane go through my hand and the other through my shoulder and when i try to edit them they just reset so if the creator is able to help i will remove this section of the review and rate 5 stars
I'm using the female AO and I'm impressed. Very smooth animations and they all work well for Victorian or Steampunk.
ok at all
Well, the stands are ok at all, but walks are to shitty, way to stiff, looks like an robot with an dildo in his ass trying not to shit and squeezing his buttcheeks together..
wouldnt buy it again, the price is for this total low animations to high!
The best cane in SL!
the rest suck.. this cane is the cane-diggity
Almost satisfying. Almost.
I found everything else in this product satisfactory, but the included leg animations seem extremely stiff and unnatural to me. I was expecting something more, but you can always replace the animations in an AO. For additional costs, of course...