CLBlue-Diving Knife(Low Leg Pack)
!! This product need basic SL skill (for size adjust & color change)
!! This product does not have a demo. You can see the product in the main store.
!! There are pre-adjusted sized products, but you need to adjust them.
* Material enabled (Make sure "Advanced Lighting Model" is selected)
* Modifiable (size,rotate)
* None rigging mesh
* No HUD control. Need Self modify (size&faces color)
Compatible Bodies
none rigging mesh
How To Setup
1. Diving Knife Left ---> Attach to L Low Leg.
Diving Knife Right --->Attach to R Low Leg.
2. Adjust--->Rotate, Position, Size
first, Stretch all parts(Link parts) and then stretch linked parts(check Edit linked).
Honest for the price
It works as advertised and, imho, worths the effort to adjust it to my avatar (Niramyth Aesthetic). The mesh is very well made, nice details. The items are also mod so, if one wants, can add scripts (e.g. the very basic one to hide/show when drawn/sheathed, if not a full weapon for a CS, e.g. zCS project gives melee scripts open to use).
Four stars only, 'cause, despite my best efforts, I've been unable to make the pieces not clipping here and there (but, ehy, it's 250 L$ only!): my suggestion is, in the future, is to offer a fully rigged item for the market bodies, along with the unrigged version... of course at a correct price (like 4-500 L$ if not scripted, or 5-600 L$ if scripted for a CS).
Really hard to make it fit
Needs a female version.
Really hard to fit on females, because they don't have feet as thick as this was designed for.