Only has 27 prims and 50 meters in diameter this beautiful low prims building was inspired by the ancient Roman Coliseum. You can enter it plus of 60 caracteres and can be used for special events or as a simple struggle in the epoch of the gladiators
Solo con 27 prims y 50 metros de diametro esta linda construccion low prims esta inspirada en el antiguo colisseo romano. Puedes entrar en ella mas de 60 personas puede usarse igualmente para eventos especiales o batallas como la habia en la epoca de los gladiadores.
Very Good
Low prims and low price, one of the best purchases you can make.
What can I say ? 1Linden ! It's such a wonderful gift for this price; the building is huge, but once with decoration and spectators, and gladiators is a blast !
Thank you so much